Terima Kasih, ya!✨

There are soooo many moments where I feel all alone. Doesn’t matter my coordinate at that moment. By this post, I would like to give special shout out to those who truly close to my heart ❤️
Let’s start with my college ones:

First and foremost, Ishaidir Siregar--my clown partner!! Makasih banyak udah jadi my one call awayyyy. Makasih udah ngerespon dan ngeiyain setiap; wfh/o? care to spare me 15mins?🥺❤️ Makasih udah sabar-sabarin gua pas nangis. Makasih udah sampe aus ngomelin gua tiap clowning HAHA luv u sobi ambissss✨

Then, sepernasib sepenanggungan Reuben Alexandro. Still amaze me on how similar our life is. Dari background keluarga, jalan hidup, sama prihal asmara SAMA BANGET masalahnya. Your ex and mine might be greatest couple lol. Makasih sudah membersamai gua ya, Ben!✨ Semoga nextnya sama-sama gaji 3digit, hidup sehat & happy, PLUS gak dimain-mainin lagi sama semesta.

Terus, Aditya Atmaja. You might not know this, tapi pas lu nemenin gua around a month ago I was probably at my lowest and your existence at that moment truly touched my heart. Makasih banyak banyak banyak pokoknya. Kayaknya gantian issue itu yang lagi lu alamin and I’m beyond honored that you told that stuff to me. Makasih, ya. Semoga lekas membaik❤️

Surprisingly, at the last days of 2022, I was touched by the careness and companion from Anzal. Hi, Zal! You might read this HAHA. Truly such a nice surprise to get your attention on what’s going on in my life. Hopefully, won’t bother you that much. Thank you for the time and talk and compassion you gave to my life ya. Deeply appreciate it✨

Moving on to the High School ones:

It is quite well-known that my college life is not as great as I thought it would be due to a particular issue. Thus made me rely a lot on my high school buddies — thank you for staying and listening and understanding and letting me be myself though i must tired you out with my rollercoaster emotion HEHE.

Biggest shout out to Daffa Aryo, of c. Not that you knew me inside out but you always managed to give me the right advices. I couldn’t be more thankful for you existence these 8 years. Mari kita mulai rutin catch up bulanan lagi cz i feel bad knowing you were going to rough patches by yourself. Sukses di Pangandaran — I’ll try to make time to visit yaaaa❤️

Next buat Garda Cakranusa. Si paling bisa telepati if I’m not doing fine. You have some kind of CCTV installed near me, don’t you? Makasih banyak, Gar, udah tabah banget dengerin gua yang ceritanya cuma kesepian — kesepian — kesepian sampe lu gumoh HAHA. Semoga imbalan sebagai excel and language advisor cukup ya WKWK. Maaf gua PHP-in nyuruh jemput bandara & mau telpon gak jadi-jadi dua bulan kebelakang ini🥲💔🙏🏼

For my one and only sad boy, Ardhya Sadtama. You went MIA and I truly am wondering were you doing fine or you are doing some stupid stuff and letting me out of if? Which one, Tam? Nevertheless, I hope you’re doing great. We have this unwritten rules to catch up every 6 months and again where the hell are you? I have A LOT to talk tbh. But thank you, ya, Tam. For the warnings, for the clues, for thing that seems off you told me but I was not acknowledging them very well HEHE. I know you don’t like phoning, so please be in Jakarta this January😠

The only girl I spilled about my life with so it’s drama free, my ex chair mate: Faradhilla Anastasari. Makasih banyak bedulll❤️ I know deep down sebenernya kita gak senyambung itu tapi lu gak enak karena pernah di Danone gara-gara gua HAHA. I appreciated your existence still — meskipun gantian kek cerita jangan gua mulu?! meskipun juga suka ilang tiba-tiba entah kemana ditengah percakapan ckck attitude lu paling bagus emang 🫡👍🏼 I just wanna point out that your insecurities towards life need to be the fuel of your success, you got this gurl👸. Makasih banyak udah selalu validasi apapun yang gua rasain ya. Makasih udah dengerin juga dan (meskipun di tunda BERKALI-KALI) makasih udah nelpon & keep me company. Luv u❤️

Last but not least, my Junior High School friend that still managed to be in contact with me: Luthfi Alif Naufal. Kenapa ya kita nyambung dan deketnya quite recent and not since long ago when we met? Deket sih dulu duduk sebrangan tapi not close not as personal as these days, gak sih? Makasih banyak untuk selalu ngorbanin waktu tidurnya buat gua karna anaknya ngalong🙈🙏🏼 Makasih banyak udah nemenin gua ini itu, giving fitness tips HAHA, dan terakhir gua PHP-in due to some issue🫣 Semoga tidak kapok dan entah kapan bisa ketemu langsung, yaaa!

Takut banget ada yang ketinggalan, tapi kayaknya pretty much all covered makhluk-makhluk yang technically care to call / accompany darinalyakr di 2022 kemarin. Makasih juga buat Bayu, Namila, Vivi, Hary, Ola, Kak Lola, Kak Felix, Om-Om Tim CS UFS, my close friends list WKWK, dan lain-lain yang sesekali mampir di hidup darinalyakr. Sending lovessss❤️



darin alya khairunnisa rizdinanti

journaling, heart-pouring, or just another ordinary story of mine.